
We are a theory group interested in how to create, control and exploit quantum coherence in the many-body setting. The big questions we address include interplay of topology, interactions and disorder, and control by driving, feedback and dissipation. We aim at advancing quantum technology and the understanding of non-equilibrium phases of matter.




Erster Vertreter einer sogenannten "bosonischen Kitaev-Kette" mit Potenzial, Sensortechnologien und Informationsverarbeitung zu verbessern. | Neue...


We congratulate Dr Clara Wanjura on winning the DPG SAMOP thesis prize. Clara wrote her PhD at the University of Cambridge under the supervision of Dr...


We welcome Lucas Winter as a PhD student in the group. Lucas joins us from University of Konstanz where he wrote his MSc thesis in the group of Prof...


An international team involving Andreas Nunnenkamp have predicted that non-reciprocal interactions can stabilize dynamical phases of matter. The...


Routing signals and isolating them against noise and back-reflections are essential in many practical situations in classical communication as well as...


An international team predicts unusual properties for light emitted by many-body systems subject to a strong drive. The study has implications for...